Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tue 6-2-09 This Day to my uncle, Allen Aronica.

The camp in Homedale was a good place. It is owned by the city and the Lady in charge of it gave us a break and let us stay for no fee beings we were on a special journey. The rain kept up all night and was still coming down as I went thru the motions of getting ready to ride. Thru the night the wind kept the trailer in a constant rocking motion. Lady was very upset and yancy but I would not let her get up on the bed because I knew what would happen and I went thru that with our kids several yrs. ago. I put on some rain gear and finally forced my body out and on the road. It was 0700 and warm but the rain was not so heavy and I was hoping that it would let up before too long. Wrong!!! As I got thru town and onto the open road the headwind hit like a force that ended up testing my intestinal fortitude. At one point I could not help but remember them days so long ago, for two seasons I played on the base football team at Camp Pendleton, Ca. and a drill was to push that BIG IRON sled around the field and I had to laugh inside myself and think, how bizarre to think of such a thing at a time like this. Heck, all I am trying to do is get down the road a few miles. Well that’s just what I did, just a few miles. The rain became hard, small pellets for awhile and I believe I sweated off 8 lbs. inside that rain suit. I was as wet as if I’d have just worn my shorts. I began getting chilled and knew that it was about time to call in the Cover Crew and at that time I saw a cherry orchard and decided to tuck under a tree for a pause that refreshes and readjust my gear. The ride to this point was tough and the shoulder along the road was not there. I had to ride the inside of the fog line and every vehicle and truck that went by gave me a good wobble and shake. Luckily I saw Gail go by on the road and by the time I got my cell ph up and running and called her, she had gone 5 more mi. down the road. I caught her at the 20mi. mark and decided to go on just far enough the find a good wide spot to pull over and re-vitalize. Ummmm. Anyway another 6mi. later and we came to this place, Givens Hot Springs on highway 78. We had some warm soup and decided to check this place out. Am I glad that we did. A natural hot springs with a very large pool at 97’ a place to park for the night so we did. A nap, swim, dinner, cool ones and got my gear hung up and wouldn’t you know it, the sun came out, wind quit, back to 80’ and I think that the Creator just wanted me to chill for awhile and I am glad to oblige. Gail finished her first pair of moccasins and feels quite proud of herself and I agree, they are really cool. They are for her granddaughter, A.J. She is making some for each of our grandkids. Time for beddy bye, See Ya.
My uncle Allen lives in Ellensburg, Wa. And has all his life. He lives on the ranch that was Grandma Ida’s. He is one cool dude and after high school did a tour in Viet Nam. He retired out of the USDA. He is our guide for elk, deer and fishing at Icicle River in Leavenworth. I have always had the greatest respect for him and am so glad that he has always been at the ranch and I especially enjoy being able to help him some by working on the equipment when I am able. I wish that I could do more but there always seems to be other things that I have to do. One day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Al for being there for us. Love You and the kids. Miss all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaahhh, all those times at the Ranch to visit Great Grandma. What an amazing time we had -- well, except when the geese would come after us. I can never pass up a little rickety shack place without thinking of the old brown house behind the main house and exclaiming "that's just like where Dad used to live!" or "it's almost like where Dad used to live with a family of 11, all them kids squished in the attic!!" and Jim always responds "I know, I know, you've told me a million times." I loved going up to the cemetary, playing on the bridge, watching beavers build their dams, heading up to cave canyon. Yes, it is so great to know Uncle Allen is there keeping the home fires burning. Love you Uncle and love you Dad!!!
