Saturday, June 6, 2009

6-5 Auntie Bud

0530 up and get started. Wind and rain most of the night but now it is good to go. Yea! 14mph the first hr. Slowed some after that but not much. Cloudy but good going for 25mi. Oh! Oh! Yonder she blows. Big black cloud and wind coming up. Help! Gail, where are U? I crossed the Wood River Bridge. And after ½ mi. the wind turned me right around and pushed me back to the bridge. The rain started and at that time Gail appeared, Tks. I flagged her into the campground and we buttoned up quickly. After some warm soup and rest it cleared up and became very nice but I decided to just stay put for today. I spotted a couple of guys working at the river and went to check them out. Met Pete and Bob. They work for the U.S. Geological Survey. They were setting up to get some river flow measurements and they were good enough to let me hang around and watch. Very cool stuff. They have some very sophisticated equipment and Pete had to cross the river several times in a rubber kayak with some of the equipment strapped on. He did this by going hand over hand across a rope tether line they had strung across the water while setting in and guiding the kayak. I got some of these moves on the video. Very cool. I left them to their work and fired up the generator and got to work on my lap top. Finally got my pics loaded to the hard drive and some Journey pics ready to broadcast so look out, they should be there before too long. !!!!!!!!!!!! 1700hrs. man it let loose again and performed like the cows on the tin roof. Wind again and we just laughed and had dinner and kept the computer burning and looking forward to a good night. See Ya.
Auntie Bud,(weiser)Ha. Ha. Met her quite a few yrs. ago, she can tell that story. She lucked out and married my brother, Avery, and gave the world Chad and Dana. After my bro. moved to WA. We kept Betts and over the years she has always been very close to us. She is the one we rely on for info on people or things. She has put together some of the best cruises ever. She kept Lake Co. in line for many yrs. and now does some free lance stuff. When she moves north we are going to miss her. I know you will, someday. A new Rez. Mamma. Ha. Ha. Love Ya.


  1. That meeting was quite a story. How could I guess that forty some years later that weirdo would still hold a major position in my family! Love you, too!

  2. Yeah for Auntie Bud!! Good luck down there in Delano tomorrow. xoxo Your Niece

  3. Arnold - it was a real honor meeting you the other day ... Bob and I enjoyed talking to you and were real impressed with your cross-country ambitions.

    You saw a first with our measurement techniques and was wondering if there's a way we could get copies of some of your photos/video when we document the data? You'll have full credit of course! The bosses and specialists will want to see how we set up and performed the procedure.

    Take care, be safe, looking forward to reading about your progress,

