Thursday, June 4, 2009

Post by Sandra, Arnold's daughter

Well, I see that Dad didn't get a chance to post tonight. I thought I'd share a little info about him.

This photo: Betsy (the deer Great Grandma took care of), my cousin Debbie and Great Grandma Ida Nason Aronica at the Ranch in Ellensburg WA. I think it's around 1960, 61.

This photo: Arnold's mother, Helen Nason Cleveland (and Uncle Allen's older sister)

I am now the age when Dad took up running. I can only marvel at that in total wonder as I can barely get around the softball bases, and most certainly have no desire to run marathons!! I also remember Dad playing basketball with the teachers in a league and doing barbershop singing. It was quite interesting to be at marathons one weekend and a barbershop gathering another.

In early 1987, Dad had to have some surgery. Running was never quite the same for him after that. I guess we all figured the activities were over. Boy, were we wrong!! He took up mountain biking! It sure made Mom nervous. Me, too, a little bit. But he did it and enjoyed it. Took my husband out -- I think once or twice before Jim packed it in because he couldn't keep up with the old chief :-) Mare and Mom eventually got Dad dog tags for identification purposes after a visit or two to the emergency room. Mom was so completely supportive of Dad, even when she was scared for him to be biking up in the mountains alone. Crazy, I know.

Then he took up triathlons!!!! Nearly 6 years ago when Beau was 5 months old, he and Dad competed in a triathlon!!! It was in Ukiah. Dad pulled Beau in a specially rigged inner tube/car seat for the 1/2 mile swim, biked with him for 21 miles and then pushed him in a jogger stroller for 3 miles cross-country. Beau was the youngest "competitor" ever. It was very cool!!!

This photo: Dad, Beau, Mom. The swim is done and now they're off on the bike part.

While we all miss Dad very much while he undertakes this journey, we're also quite proud of him and happy that he has this opportunity. We appreciate your support for him and hope you enjoy his blogs as much as we do. Admittedly, we do get to talk to him now and then on the phone, but there's just something so cool about reading his words. He makes the experience come alive for me -- I hope he does the same for you!

And while we do all miss Dad very much, I think Beau James Marek is just itchin' to join Arnold out there on the road. He told Dad: "Arnold, you need to buy that bike piece that attaches to your bike so I can help you!" When Dad is in Lake County, Beau spends as much time as he possibly can with His Arnold (and believe me, Beau makes it *quite* clear that it is HIS Arnold).

Dad, We Love You and miss you. Take care out there!!!

I want to share photos from my Dad's 70th birthday celebration back in March. We had a great time and I had the pure pleasure of seeing my Dad Indian dance for the first time ever!!! It was very cool. Uncle Allen, Marilyn and I joined him. Mare made both of our outfits, including the moccasins and headpiece.

Me, Dad, Amber, Uncle Allen, Mare

My cousin Melissa and my best friend Ruth -- man, they were such a GREAT help at the party!!

Brother-by-choice Louie and cousin Kellie

Uncle Allen -- Mmm mm, his salmon is awesome!

Mare in the foreground; Dad, me and Amber in the back

The eatin's good!

Uncle Allen at the house

My sister Amber and my husband Jim

My nephew Beau and my cousin Kellie's grandson (rats! I'm totally blanking on his name -- urgh)

My cousin Kellie and my sister Mare

My Mom's sister Anita (how could you not love that Chich-malich?) and her daugher Melissa

Left to right: sister Amber, my cousin's daugher Toni (standing), her mom Theresa, my Dad's sister Janice

Good old what's-his-name, my cousin Cissy, my sister Amber

My cousin Kellie, Dad, my cousin Cissy (Kellie and Cissy's mom is Evelyn), my Aunt Janice

Danny Shupe!!!! He's Mare's husband.

Mare and her daughter Ashley

Getting ready to dance with Dad

Uncle Allen dancing

Dad dancing

Dad, Beau, Aunt Janice, Uncle Allen


  1. Thanks for the pictures, Sandi. Sure wish I could have been at the party. Looks like a great time, and when I first met the Old Chief, who would have ever thought he would have made it to 70!!

  2. great pics sis. thanks for posting them. yeah aunti bud, we missed your happy smiles too.

  3. the lil boy with kelly and sissy, his name is Julian.
