Saturday, July 11, 2009

7-10 Mohawk Connection.

This day is for my great nephew, Spencer Cleveland, from Beau.
My sights were set a little high as I overshot the crossroad and had to backtrack just a short distance to hwy 29S. I had remained a good, law abiding citizen and did not cross over the line that the kindly gentleman had reminded me about and at the same time I could not help but think that only a few years ago the Natives could have moved about and enjoyed this great country without this threat of great harm and incarceration and spiritual negation but then I figured, what the heck, this is now and not then so I bit my lip and drifted on down the fine path ahead of me. I read signs that noted that the great armies of the Americans used these old Indian paths and cut the trees down just low enough so that their wagons and cannons could go over them. As I came to the Mohawk Museum and Cultural center along hwy5, just out of Fonda, N.Y. I stopped to visit as Gail and I had stopped their last fall on our way home from Maine but the place was closed. As I clipped up and was ready to leave a little pick up pulled up and a young lady by the name of Amanda Holmes greeted me and we had a long chat about my trip and her connection with the Mohawk Tribe. She is a college student at Tucson, Ariz. And working on her PHD. She works for the Mohawk Tribe for the summer and I hope that she will continue her education before settling down on her dreams As you read this, Amanda, the history will always be there and it is us elders that always push education onto our young ones, so get that education first and the rest will fall into place. Your travels may take you to different places but it all has a purpose. As Gail picked me up in Glenville, we decided to grab a bite at Pasquariello’s, Pub and Restaurant. A taste of some of their beers, some Filet Migon and we talked briefly with Kim and Cathy who both work for a school district. She is a teacher and he is the Director of Maint. Same job I retired from, but we had a good chat and hope them the best. They had their honeymoon in Old Orchard, Maine. Very Cool. We had to boot for several miles before we found a place to stop over. These states are not traveler friendly, for sure. Along a cool little creek again and Skywalker, Skywalker I love you buddy and sure do miss you. Over and out.
My grandson, Beau, whom most of you probably know by now, is a great fan of Spencer and I think that it is mostly because of Spencer’s BIIIIIIIGGGG collection of toys. Beau thinks of Spencer as his most favorite cousin and I can’t blame him cause I think he is pretty cool too. Beau has spent several visits with Spencer over the years and every time that we are going on a trip up north, Beau has to be sure that we are going to visit his most favorite cousin, Spencer. Beau loves you Spencer and so do we. See Ya!


  1. Dad - one things for certain-sure -- you've made many cool connections on your journey. As I read about the many people you've talked with and played music for, I can only wonder if Mom sent some of her magic to you. People were so drawn to her and would talk and talk and talk to her and it was just a bit different than their reactions to you. I love hearing how your heart is opening up, letting people in and connecting. Makes me cry as I sit here and write this and reflect upon your many posts in this blog. Love you Dad!

  2. Also, Spencer and Beau are quite the pair. I remember the first time Beau caught an eyeful of Spencer's toys and MANY cars. Mema and I had to just laugh at the expression on his face. I still laugh when I remember Mom and Dad telling me about a comment Beau made to Spencer and Casey: "Sharing is caring." The two older boys were completely mystified by this statement 'cause rez life is not that tender. haa haaa haaaaa!
