Thursday, July 2, 2009

7-1 Two Neat Gatherings

This is a new day and the start of another month and the year is now half over. The anticipation for the holiday coming up is growing and the town of Traverse is having their annual National Cherry Celebration and it feels like it is going to be one big event. I would rather not be caught in the throngs of celebrants so we are going to try to be down the road. The rain has been around every day and so the folks have been happy for that as it has added to my reason for lingering.

The elders’ picnic gathering at the Traverse Center was another very special event and the food was great. There were elders from several of the outlaying communities and once more I was given the floor and I made the most of it. It has been a good feeling to be able to tell the stories and play the music for such appreciative folks. The time flew by and as the footsteps of the folks leaving, echoed down the hall, we visited with several of them and then it was time to pack ‘em up.

We met Del and Sharon at the Leelanau Sands Casino for diner and as we gorged ourselves, again, on the great buffet Pat and some other members joined us.

1800 hrs. had us at the Museum for the Wed. evening jam. I got to join George on the keyboards, Jack on guitar/mandolin and Ruby on Fiddle and mandolin. The ladies set up their craft table and beaded and created to the rhythm of the music and others kept beat to the music with their foot, hands, head and some got up and danced up a storm. Another good acoustical gathering. Some gifts were exchanged between us and them and again the evening was coming to a close. After 2 ½ hrs of great jamming, we headed for the nest and around midnight we put our old bods to rest. I would like to thank these musicians for the great circle and the young lady, Ruby, has a musical career ahead of her as her talent is very good and I know that she will do very good things. Jack, her mentor, should be proud of her as he has given of himself to help her grow. Bless all for the very great stopover we have had here in Mich. It will be sad to have to move along but I know that in the future we will see each other again. See Ya.

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